Monday, October 29, 2007

Day 1 - Befriending the Bioreactor and Knowing it's Operations & Procedure for Preparation of Equipment, Media, and Culture. I

Familiarization with the Bioreactor and its operation


  • To familiarize students with the parts and components of microbial and mammalian bioreactor.
  • To introduce the basic operation procedure of a bioreactor.


1. Different parts of the fermenter were studied as group and the parts were labeled in the diagram below

2. The function of each of the fermenter parts were stated and explained.

Let me introduce to you.... our dearest friend, the bioreactor..

and it's buddie... the control panel.

Procedure for preparation of equipment, media, and culture.


  • To describe the steps to prepare a bioreactor.
  • To prepare the media for seed culture and scale up fermentation.

A. Media for Seed-culture and Scale-up Fermentation

  1. 2.0 litre of LB medium was prepared with 50g of the LB powder and fill the beaker to 2 litres.
  2. 100ml of the LB medium was transferred into the 500ml shaker flask that was used to inoculated with the bacteria and incubated overnight while the other 1900ml of the LB medium is being transferred into the 2-litre bioreactor.
  3. Ampicillin was added to a concentration of 100µg/ml when the broth has cooled to below 500C after the bioreactor had been autoclaved at 1210C for 20 minutes.
  4. Media was kept at 40C until inoculation.

Here are some photos that camelia's ichy fingers snapped today.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Where are the GUYsss when there's work...?!?!?!?!?!

pimp myspace with Gickr

Oh, so there they are!! contributing using their eye powers....?

That's the culture broth that we are using... Luria-Bertani Medium

Okay, so these are the materials needed to make the broth

Create myspace graphic with Gickr

okay cassie, let's show the guys the meaning of Girl Power~~!!

Mmmm.. Just look at those beautiful fingers.....

Dissolving the powder...... Stirring anyone??

.......still stirring......?

oh yeah!! finally it's done.....

topping up to 500ml..... o.O what a tedious process....

Why is camelia washing her hand so soon??

some stirring action going on.......

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